Tuesday, 30 October 2007


Matt wanted to learn to play Crib after watching Az and I play.
So, I've made some modifications to the board. We now can play a 3 player game!

It even has arrows now. That's so you don't get confused as to which direction you're headed (quite problem for us absent minded folk).

PS: The fork prongs work heaps better than the paper clips.


If you've never heard of Cribbage, you're missing out.

Crib is a fantastic card game for 2,3 or 4 players. It makes you use/develop your math skills (lots of adding) a fair bit, and that's a good thing.
I've had a great time playing Crib with Mike and Alan down at the Patton St markets on Sundays.
We've been playing over the road at Bell's too. Nice.

Unfotunately, Crib uses a (very nice) specific type of scoring board. Generally it is a flat peice of polished timber with a series of holes up and down the board for each player.
Here's some examples of Cribbage Boards.

So, with no Crib board of my own, I could not play against my housemates. I haven't been able to find one in town (and probably wouldn't have been able to afford it if I had), so I took matters into my own hands.
The problem with trying to make a crib board is that you need materials and tools. I have neither. Nor do I have the finances to acquire such. So, I've made do with the materials and tools available to me.

Here's the results!

Az and I had a couple of games after I made it. He beat me both times. Grr.
By the way, if you're trying to figure it out, those are the prongs from a plastic fork that I've made into pegs.

Find out more about crib here!

Play online here!

Online games against real people here!

Long time no post...

It's been a while. Two months even! Where have you been?
So much has happened in the meantime, I'm not going to try and log it all.
So, here's an update on the last post.
I'm still doing The Late Shift, but now only on Fridays.
The Sanctuary seems to have hit a roadblock. I still can't get the phone on-air and there is still no portable digital recording device available. :(
Jayne's helping me look into a grant to see if someone will give me money to go buy a recorder.
Now, I'm back, lets blog!

By the way, if you have a blog of your own, post it in the comments so I can see!