Friday 30 March 2007

Mighty mouse!

No, sorry, I'm not referring to the awesome cartoon character. I'm talking about Apple's computer mouse.
I bought one last week at Apple's online store and it arrived like 4 days later (gotta love couriers- I'm in Broken Hill remember).
Well, I gotta say... it's sooo cool. Sorry, I'll try and restrain my geekiness. Here's some pics:

On a sadder note, I dropped my iPod mini the other day on my way out to work. I'm not sure if you can see it in these pics, but here are some nasty dents in the aluminum casing. My ipod is broke. I doesn't work ay more. I've tried the 5 R's, I've read the support pages and basically they say it's kaput. If you have magic that can save my ipod, please send me some. For now, I peruse the refurbished page at the apple store.


pks said...

I think I know how you can fix your ipod in August

A. Schultz said...

Wow August must be a magical month...

Christop said...

Yeah, it doesn't sound like they're very durable.