Monday, 16 July 2007


I think most of you would know that I had applied for a sales position with a local radio station a month or so ago. Although I was in the final shortlist, I did not get the job.
However, before that job came up, I had been thinking of getting involved with the local community radio station (2DryFM -get it? 'cos B/Hill's too dry, do you get it? clever, huh ;).
Not getting the job with HillFM has kinda made me think about it a bit more though. So, yesterday I went down to the Broken Hill Community Center (2DryFM rent space in their building) and asked for a contact number for 2Dry. 5 minutes later, I had an appointment with the station Manager and the Director (not such a big deal, as I'm sure can imagine). When I got there, I found that there was a guy at the desk just starting his afternoon show.
As he announced a song, I recognised the voice- it was "DJ Fluffy". He's the Director of 2Dry and so is trying to broadcast as much as possible unitl they can find other people to do some shifts.

Anywho, now I'm about to start doing the late shift on Friday and (probably) Saturday nights!
I'll be doing the 9pm-12am shift, so I don't know how many people listen to 2dry at that time, but who cares! I'm doing it for the experience and hopefully I'll get at least a few good stories out of it (although a job would be preferred).

Warming my voice,
Andrew Schultz

PS: if you're in the Hill, tune in on 107.7 and give me a call during the show on 8087 1077!


Nath said...

As there is a server lack of commentary in regard to your blog, I'm writing this one to get the ball rolling. Radio is an important medium, and any efforts made to use or promote it should be supported.
Ho Rah Schultz.

Nath said...

Now I think about it, do you want any help with the show? I'd love to come in, have a chat and play some tracks with you. I used to help a bloke in Melb do a show on local radio sometimes and it was ace fun.

Tab said...

Hey thats a good idea Nath, you guys should do that. It'd be funny. well funny to the geek-nerd types such as myself anyway :D

Oh and i think there may be one or 2 [or at least one] who don't normaly comment on this blog due to the fact they are not really allowed to enter into dialogue with the author as yet.